Your reputation is your most valuable asset

Attorney Advertising [a caution and some humor]

This blog is not about advertising. But a forwarded link from a collegue caught my eye and since it holds many lessons for other sorts of image and messageing and media relationships I'm including it [below]. Plus, you know, the examples are funny.

Ahhhh.... Attorneys advertising. Love it. Hate it. Attorney advertising is still controversial many years after most professional prohibitions were removed.

Advocates say it is only fair that attorneys can advertise as other business people do. They claim ads make their critical services known to more people.

Opponents rail against ads and claim they diminish the profession and give false impressions of 'jackpot justice' to both the public and lawmakers.

This group of ads will give ammo to the latter camp.

Take a look. Even if you *never* do *anything* like this [and of course you never will] note these extreme examples and how they plug in to the advice in this blog about professionalism, message, myth, theme, media relationships and just plain decent common sense.

'List Of The Day' collects bad attorney ads


Anonymous said...

Thinks lawyer ads are sleazy. Ever since people heard I was going to law school I've heard nasty comments about the "1 800 Sue Me" advertising. Lawyers ads should be banned.

jenniffer said...

Your blog is great, worth reading Good luck

Unknown said...

I get a kick out of attorney advertising. I do agree that it is really controversial and will probably still be controversial in years to come. Thanks for sharing!

Robert Miker said...

I came across your blog. Its really nice and very useful information. Thanks for sharing this article...

Unknown said...

I think that the media plays a significant roll in how attorneys are portrayed. We will all see some sort of advertisement at one time or another. A successful attorney needs to let their potential clients know what services they offer and their fields of experience.